Presentation by John Schiel, NIST, Mass Spectrometry as a Disruptive Technology for Emerging Modalities
Presentation by John Schiel, NIST, Mass Spectrometry as a Disruptive Technology for Emerging Modalities
Presentation by John Schiel, NIST, Mass Spectrometry as a Disruptive Technology for Emerging Modalities
Presentation by Pavel Bondarenko, Amgen, Identification of Critical Chemical Modifications and Paratope Mapping by SEC of Stressed Antibody-target Complexes
MAM Consortium Presentation by Andrew Mahan, Janssen: Comprehensive Characterization of mAbs and Multispecifics with Multiple Technologies, CE, iCIEF-MS and Novel…
MAM Consortium Presentation by Josh Eckels and Danielle Faivre, LabKey: Skyline and Panorama Support for MAM Analysis
MAM Consortium Presentation by Cinzia Stella, Genentech: Online HPLC-HRMS Platform: The Next-Generation Process Analytical Technology Tool for Real-Time Monitoring of…
MAM Consortium Presentation by Prof. Sunny Zhou, Northeastern University: Chemo-Enzymatic Approaches for the Analysis of Product Quality Attributes (PQAs)
Presentation by Haichuan Liu, SCIEX: Differentiation of Deamidation Isomers Using Electron-based Dissociation
Presentation by Ying Qing Yu, Waters: Recent Advancements in Peptide MAM: Improvement on Chromatographic Performance for CQA Peptides and New…
Presentation by Beth McCoy, Pfizer: Qualification of the Platform Multi-Attribute Method (MAM) at Pfizer
Presentation by Annick Gervais, Eef Dirksen, Thomas Pohl, EFPIA: Regulatory Considerations for the Applications of Multi-Attribute Method by Mass Spectrometry…